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Crypto Fleet NY - Spanish

Crypto Fleet NY - Spanish

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Crypto Fleet NY

Crypto Fleet NY

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Crypto Fleet NY

Crypto Fleet NY

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Crypto Fleet NY

Mapping with friends

We’re an information technology company that invest in reliable hard working drivers who are interested in making lots of money by helping to generate the next generation of mapping. No investment necessary. I cannot say this will be the best 30 minutes of your life, maybe 😀 but definitely 30 minutes that can help change your future.


"The higher we are placed, the more humbly we should walk"

Marcus Tullius Cicero


Satisfaction Guaranteed

We’re building a community and making money. But If you are not interested, ant any point and would like to stop. We even provide you with a shipping label to send us the dash cam back.

We insist on building a team that will be spread out and not overlap areas. Join the 2nd tier of drivers before spots are taken.

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